An American Conversation: David McCullough and Allen Weinstein | August 15, 2022
In 2007, David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Truman, returned to Independence, Missouri and the Truman Library to help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Library’s dedication. On June 14, he participated in “An American Conversation” with then-Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein. A full transcript of their conversation follows.
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David McCullough on Truman, Presidential Libraries and Education | August 8, 2022
On June 13, 2007, David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Truman, returned to Independence, Missouri and the Truman Library to deliver a keynote address marking the 50th anniversary of the Library’s dedication in 1957. The transcript of his address follows.
What a pleasure it is to be back here and what a lot I learned in the 10 years that I worked here. A time that flew! And my heart is still very much in Jackson County wherever I am, and to be welcomed – as I have been by so many people even before I arrived at the Library this afternoon –has been a great kick… people stopping when I was out walking in the street. Just this morning one very friendly, nice lady came up and greeted me and she said, “Welcome back, how good to see you here Mr. Cronkite.” (Laughter) Read More