Truman and the Potsdam Conference: July 6 - August 2, 1945
Less than three months after being sworn in as president, following the death of FDR, Harry S. Truman traveled to Potsdam, Germany to meet with Allied leaders. The Potsdam Conference played a pivotal role in shaping the postwar world order, and it laid the groundwork for the division of Germany into four Allied occupation zones controlled by the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union.

Conquering World Hunger: Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, and the Post-WWII Humanitarian Crisis
As Truman faced a daunting food crisis in the aftermath of World War II, he turned to Hoover, the former head of the Food Administration and the only past president alive during Truman’s presidency, for his unique expertise. The two presidents worked together to provide food relief to millions of hungry Europeans and ended up forming a lifelong friendship.

President Harry S. Truman and the 1948 Election
Explore the biggest political upset in U.S. history. Promising Americans a “Fair Deal” while campaigning against a “do-nothing Congress,” Truman changed the nation’s tune—from MILD to WILD about Harry.

The Buck Stops Here!
Harry Truman famously displayed a two-sided desk sign in the Oval Office during his presidency. The message visitors saw was “The Buck Stops Here.” The message that faced the president each day was, “I’m from Missouri.” Learn the sign’s backstory in this virtual exhibit.

Virtual Tour of the Harry S Truman National Historic Site
Travel to Independence, Missouri to step inside the residence of America’s 33rd President.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Creation of America's Presidential Libraries
On December 10, 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that he would be donating land from his estate at Hyde Park, New York, to house his Presidential papers in the to-be-constructed Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. In doing so, FDR set a precedent that expanded the scope of federal record keeping, and ensured the preservation of Presidential records for generations to come. This exhibit explores the foundation of the first Presidential library and the impact that FDR had on the Presidential Library System.