PASSAGES | January 11, 2016

Former senior advisor to President Truman dies at 97
We were saddened to learn that one of two surviving members of President Truman’s inner circle passed at the turning of the year. Military adviser to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, George Elsey last visited the Truman Library in 2007. We asked: “If Harry Truman walked through his Library today, what do you think he’d be most proud of?”
He answered, “I think he’d be most proud of The White House Decision Center, because it brings students in and gives them a feel for how government works and how tough it is to make decisions. It requires thought, it requires dedication, it requires devotion, and always you have to keep your eye on the long-range goals of what’s best for this nation.”
Discover The White House Decision Center.
Learn more about this remarkable individual and his role in the Truman administration by exploring the Truman Library’s online archives: Oral History Interviews.