Picturing History – Japan Surrenders | August 14, 2015

“I have received this afternoon a message from the Japanese Government…”
At 7 pm on August 14, 1945, President Harry Truman stood before reporters gathered at the White House and announced the unconditional surrender of Japan. The Pacific War was over. Although the formal signing of the terms of surrender ending World War II would not occur until September 2nd, the announcement of Victory over Japan Day, or V-J Day, sent millions of Americans–citizens and members of the armed forces, out into the streets of cities and towns across the country and around the world.
ABOVE: “American servicemen and women gather in front of ‘Rainbow Corner’…” August 15, 1945, McNulty, Signal Corps photographer. Rainbow Corner was a popular club for American service men and women in Paris, France — one of more than a dozen opened and operated by the Red Cross in that city.
LEFT: White House Photographer Abbie Rowe was in the Oval Office of the White House on August 14, 1945, when President Truman announced Japan’s surrender to members of the media.