Behind the Exhibition: Q & A with the Curator | March 2, 2018
The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum is commemorating the 100th anniversary of Truman entering combat during World War I this year through a new temporary exhibition, ‘Heroes or Corpses’: Captain Truman in World War I. We went behind the scenes and spoke with Curator Clay Bauske about this new exhibition.

Benevolent Diplomacy: Children’s Art and U.S. Food Relief in Occupied Germany | December 15, 2017
Welcome guest blogger Kaete O’Connell, a Ph.D. candidate in history at Temple University, who received a Research Grant to explore the archives at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum thanks to the generosity of Truman Library Institute members and donors. Thank you to the American Historical Association for allowing us to reprint her blog post on food relief in post-war Germany.

Historic Speeches | June 28, 2017
7 Times Truman Made the Case for National Health Care
Harry S. Truman was the first president to publicly endorse a national health insurance program. Just seven months into his presidency, Truman sent a special message to Congress proposing a national health care program. The American Medical Association deemed Truman’s proposed national health care plan, which was to be open to all Americans and administered by a federal health board, “socialized medicine.” Others claimed the plan was painted with a red brush. Ultimately, Truman’s national health care proposal was defeated in Congress. Years later, Truman listed this defeat the most troubling disappointment of his presidency. Read on for excerpts from Truman’s most rousing calls for national healthcare.

Truman’s First 100 Days | April 27, 2017
On April 12, 1945, Harry S. Truman became president of the United States. The following day, President Truman told reporters that he “felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.”
President Truman’s first 100 days in office were a whirlwind of activity, including the end of the war in Europe, planning for the postwar world with other world leaders gathering at Potsdam, the successful testing of the first atomic bomb, the establishment of the United Nations, and planning for the end of the war in the Pacific. No small feat for a man who had only met with President Roosevelt twice during his 82 days as vice president, and didn’t even know about the existence of the bomb.
In addition to overseeing and planning the end of a two-front war and planning the peace, Truman also issued 52 executive orders, delivered 10 proclamations, held 14 press conferences, and received one honorary degree. In order to maintain the incredible pace of the presidency and be prepared for the decisions he had to make as Commander in Chief, Truman spent every night reading countless memos and files in his private study in the White House. No wonder Harry Truman said that “Being president is like riding a tiger. You have to keep riding or be swallowed.”
Read on for some TRU-firsts from the president’s first 100 days.
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From the Desk of Harry S. Truman: Signing the Foreign Assistance Act | April 3, 2017
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Marshall Plan
On April 3, 1948, Truman signed the Foreign Assistance Act, which provided an initial grant of $4 billion to Western Europe. By the time the program came to an end nearly four years later, more than $12 billion in foreign aid had been expended. Although the Marshall Plan had its flaws, including rampant inflation in some areas, it provided some much-needed stability and stimulation for the economies of Western Europe. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin described the Marshall Plan as “a lifeline to sinking men.” Truman issued the following statement after signing the landmark legislation:
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Presidential Proclamations: National Freedom Day | February 1, 2017
Proclamation 2824—National Freedom Day
February 1st is National Freedom Day, a time to celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s signing of the resolution that became known as the 13th Amendment. Truman built on Lincoln’s civil rights efforts, commissioning the Committee on Civil Rights, being the first president to address the NAACP, calling for civil rights legislation, desegregating the U.S. Armed Forces and U.S. federal hiring, hosting the first openly integrated inaugural gala, and issuing the following proclamation honoring national freedom day in 1949.
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Historic Speeches: Truman’s Inaugural Address | January 20, 2017
Truman’s Inaugural Address to the Nation
On January 20, 1949, Chief Justice of the United States Fred Vinson (one of Truman’s four appointees to the Supreme Court) administered the oath of office to Harry S. Truman. At 12:35 p.m., President Truman delivered his inaugural address to the nation. The address totaled 2,264 words. Read President Truman’s Inaugural Address in its entirety below.
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Historic Speeches: Truman’s Farewell Address | January 10, 2017
A Presidential Farewell
Truman’s Farewell Address to the Nation
On January 15, 1953, President Truman delivered his farewell address to the nation.
In a mere 24 minutes, President Truman spoke about the peaceful transition of power, the presidency and presidential decision-making, forging alliances, containing the Soviet threat and the Cold War, the Korean Conflict, the use of atomic power, the White House renovation, and the American people.
The 3,757-word address was broadcast nationwide from the Oval Office at 10:30 p.m.
Read on for some of our favorite excerpts from President Truman’s Farewell Address.
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From the Desk of Harry S. Truman: Presidential Debate Advice | September 26, 2016
From the Desk of Harry S. Truman: Presidential Debate Advice
Fifty-six years ago today, Democratic Presidential nominee John F. Kennedy debated then-Vice President and Republican nominee Richard M. Nixon in the first-ever televised debate. More than 65 million people viewed the debate. Harry and Bess Truman were two of those viewers. Two days later, President Truman sent a telegram to Senator Kennedy with a single piece of advice for future debates. What did the former president write to the future president?

Presidential Proclamation | August 4, 2016
Presidential Proclamation 2976: “Olympic Week”
May 16, 1952
Whereas, by a joint resolution approved this day, the congress has noted that “the XVth Olympic Games of the modern era will be held at Helsinki, Finland, from July 19 through August 3, 1952” and that “experiences afforded by the Olympic Games make a unique contribution to common understanding and mutual respect among all peoples”; and