Historic Speeches | July 27, 2016

1948 Democratic National Convention

Truman’s Acceptance Speech

On July 15, 1948, President Truman delivered the following remarks after receiving his party’s presidential nomination. The address was delivered at 2 a.m. in Convention Hall in Philadelphia and carried on a nationwide radio broadcast.

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Historic Speeches

The Story of Harry S. Truman | July 25, 2016

In 1948, nearly everyone – The New York Times, LIFE Magazine and even Bess Truman – believed Harry Truman would lose the 1948 presidential election. But 68 years ago, the Democratic National Committee understood the power of branding through personal storytelling. We found the proof in the digital archives of the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum and this 1948 graphic biography of Truman’s life, published by the DNC:

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The Story of Harry S. Truman

Historic Speeches | July 8, 2016

President Truman’s Address Before the NAACP

On June 29, 1947, as the first American president to address the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Harry Truman pledges his support for upholding the civil rights of all Americans.

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Historic Speeches

TRU Treasures | March 18, 2016


Inside the Vault

The 2016 race to the White House may be remembered as one of the strangest, most contentious presidential elections in history. That’s good news for collectors of campaign memorabilia: historic elections can turn those trinkets into treasures. Take, for instance, a 1.25-inch pin created for Harry Truman’s 1949 inauguration. Thanks to Truman’s surprise defeat of Dewey, that freebies is now selling for $750 on eBay. We saw that pin, and much more, during a recent visit to the Truman Library Collection Room. Take a look…
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TRU Treasures

TRU History | March 16, 2016


Truman’s Supreme Court Justices

Harry Truman filled four vacancies on the Supreme Court during his eight years as president. Those he appointed included a Republican Senator, his Secretary of the Treasury, his Attorney General, and a judge from the Seventh District Court of Appeals. How did Truman decide who to appoint to the highest court in the land? And how did the Senate and press respond to President Truman’s Supreme Court nominees?

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TRU History