TRU Education | December 8, 2014

Today’s children. Tomorrow’s leaders.
“How will your actions affect our national debt?”
“Will the Marshall Plan apply to Korea if it is destroyed in this action?”
“How will you prevent the spread of communism elsewhere in the world while you are engaged in this action?”
These are just a few of the questions these eighth graders from Parkway South Middle School asked in their presidential press conference on the Korean conflict last week in The White House Decision Center.
Yes. Eighth graders.
The WHDC challenges middle and high school students to step into the role of President Truman and his cabinet, review actual briefing papers, make policy recommendations, then hold a press conference to defend their decision. It’s a test of students’ ability to research, do risk analysis, develop policy, negotiate and persuade.
This is hands-on history for tomorrow’s leaders. In fact, during Secretary Albright’s visit to the Truman Library last week, we learned that applicants to the U.S. State Department are asked to demonstrate the very competencies that are developed and challenged in The White House Decision Center.
The education programs at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum don’t have to be this rigorous – or rewarding. But Harry Truman knew what we all know: the kids in our middle school hallways today will one day be walking the halls of Congress.
We’re committed to growing the next greatest generation. Join us.